Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Vote for the best....

Recently I get this forwarded email...
The purpose of this email is obvious, to encourage others to vote against majority party....
The creator of this email wants to bring up restless mood....
Wishing everyone uses the right we have as a Malaysian, the vote, to 'punish' the offending party.

The person composed that mail and created those pictures blurred our focal point and brought up the wrong message, in my opinion.

Should we use the vote on hand as a weapon to attack a particular party?
What is the aspect that we should make into consideration while deciding the vote?
Taking the whole party as one or considering a particular person who really can serve the best to our country?

For me, when casting the vote, I believe we should be a prudent individual that matured enough to make the precious decision.
We can't just make our decision by just listening to voices from a single party. Why narrow down our sight?
We, have the ability to think. We can read, we can see, we can listen, and....we should analyze informations that we get...and finally making the wise decision.

Check this out.......The citizenTank.
We are open to all kind of information....

Before u place the 'X' mark, think. Is he/she, the individual, able to represent us and ready to serve us the best?

p/s: The most important thing, have u register as a voter? Don't waste our rights. If u think u mentally ready to read the mail, please let me know. I'm willing to share.


龟头@Kenny Sim@恺俊 said...


baggie said...

send to me.... I would like to read it.. ;)

Darren10 said...

although I am under 21, but if I have the chance to vote, I am sure I'll never vote Barisan national!!!

jhayxon moch said...

i'll vote for the most technologically advanced symbol there is on thier flag.